Tahoe Dreamin’ Salesforce Community Conference 2023: Nonprofit Discounts
We are delighted to announce that this year, we’re offering special discounted tickets for nonprofit organizations. Join us for two exciting days of learning, networking, and fun with fellow Salesforce Trailblazers.
Nonprofit Discount Offer
To support our nonprofit community, we have secured funding to offer a $100 discount on ticket prices. The cost for nonprofit organizations is just $125 per ticket. This discount is exclusively for nonprofit organizations, and we will be verifying the registrations using the provided discount code.
Nonprofit Specific Sessions
In addition to our fantastic lineup of informative and engaging sessions, we will also be hosting a few nonprofit specific sessions tailored to the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. These sessions will focus on leveraging Salesforce to maximize your impact and achieve your mission.
How to Obtain the Nonprofit Discount Code
To get the nonprofit discount code, you can do one of the following:
- View your local nonprofit Trailblazer group in the Trailblazer Community. Check if the code is listed there, as it might already be available.
- Join the Tahoe Dreamin’ Slack workspace by using this URL: https://join.slack.com/t/tahoedreamin/shared_invite/zt-1di1po6kw-OvgibpU8y51DUJ0GCaDK7w. After joining, head to the #nonprofits channel.
- Email us at info@tahoedreamin.com and ask for the nonprofit discount code.
- Message Bill Greenhaw on LinkedIn by visiting his profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/billgreenhaw/.
How to Register
Once you have obtained the nonprofit discount code, visit our registration page and enter the code when purchasing your tickets. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please contact our support team.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Tahoe Dreamin’ Salesforce Community Conference 2023. Together, let’s blaze the trail and make a positive impact on the Salesforce community.