Tahoe Dreamin’ 2024 Contest

Win amazing prizes!

This year we are launching a way for attendees or future attendees to help promote Tahoe Dreamin’ 2024 and then get rewarded for your help. This is open to anyone that wants to attend Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025 (which will be in May 2025).

The below are the prizes you can win by helping us promote the community conference.  You do not have to be attending this year if you are planning on attending next year to also help us promote this. 

  • Person who gets the most registration referrals will receive a free ticket to Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025, a suite at Harrah’s for Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025 (Wed and Thurs night), and free tickets to all future Tahoe Dreamin’ and NorCal Dreamin’ conferences.
  • Person with the second most registration referrals will receive a free ticket to Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025, a hotel room at Harrah’s for Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025 (Wed and Thurs night), and free tickets to all future Tahoe Dreamin’ and NorCal Dreamin’ conferences.
  • Third through fifth place with the most registration referrals will receive a free ticket to Tahoe Dreamin’ 2025.

Being that Tahoe Dreamin’ is a Salesforce Community Conference, we truly do need and appreciate all support the Salesforce Community gives us.  We hope this is a way to reward those that are going the extra mile to help us.

To get credit for all referrals, you must sign into the Attendee Cloud and then go to contest page.

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